Friday, September 23, 2005

I met Viv in Tai Tip Mein which is a very nice chinese restaurant right outside Elephant & Castle tube station. Alright, it's probably not the best area in the world ... actually it's been voted the ugliest round about in London, but it's on the list for redevelopment. What should I care? I'll be outta here in several months maybe.
She brought me the palinka which I couldn't taste yet, I'm still sick in case you forgot. But this kind of drink is something to share with your friends anyway. You drink and then fall asleep, unless a cardiac arrest gets the better of you.

Meeting Viv made me remember Symbian, where I used to work until May this year. Viv still works there in the Multimedia team, I used to work in Base/Kernel. That's just for people there to recognise her more easily hehehe :-)
It refueled my disbelief about the Offshore Development Centre, located in the sunny (when it's not swept by monsoons) India. They're just useless our reputable colleagues from the sunnier shores. I worked with them closely while in Symbian, I even travelled to Bangalore. They're very friendly people, very nice to talk to, very helpful too. But, as engineers ... how should I put it diplomatically ... hmm ... they suck, that's it! It's a waste of time and money for Symbian but noone is concerned to have some metrics that measure the usefullness of the infallible ideas that dwell in the heads of upper management.

One thing about indians, a cultural thing, it's that they can't say No. Whatever they say, it's gotta be a Yes. And then they screw up silently. I tried to convince Viv to start up a blog, you would be laughing out loud if you read some of her experiences with the ODC. That's unless you're very emotional and you start crying.

Anyway, nothing else about Symbian, except that finally, this year they seem to be on their way to break even. Congratulation! Despite all the (excuse my french) fuck-ups, it's still a nice company, I miss it in a way. But let me assure you I don't cry at night over it.

Enough about work ... I'm stuck at home on a friday night, it's outrageous, I think it's my first friday to be stuck at home in a long time. Damn you common cold!
So I'll soon watch The Butterfly Effect courtesy of Mr. Marco, cheers mate, have fun in Madrid, I bet you do!

No ideas about the poet yet?
Here's another poem, same poet, just before I leave:

Like vast tears of blood
Leaves from the branches flow -
And slowly the bloodied dusk
Penetrates the window.

Over the blue hills
A moon of blood rises,
The lake looks like blood,
A deeper red always.

At the window, in the sick
Dusk, a girl coughs.
And now her handkerchief
Looks like the flowing leaves.

It's called "Dusk". Laterz!


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