tuesday news
Hey, this is my 4th day already of blogging, so I've made it, gone past the 3 day barrier (if you don't know what I'm talking about read this). So I've done it, now I can quit! :-)
I feel very cheerful, in a great mood today. I don't know why, being a tuesday makes it even more inexplicable. It can't be from the coffee, although that might have contributed to it.
One good news I got by email yesterday was from a romanian friend of mine, Viviana ... she brought me some "palinca" (that's a romanian tequilla like drink :-) from home. Well, it's not from my region, as she's a southerner, I'm transylvannian, but nevertheless it's real romanian thing. That's just great, she's one in a million, I told her about palinca couple of months ago and she didn't forget. We used to work together, she's a lovely girl. By far the friendliest southerner I've met :-)
Another good news is that I won't be going to Barcelona alone, but with two brazilian girls, Mariana and Analis. They speak spanish too, which is a relief, not that I wouldn't be able to get around, but it's so much nicer when you have someone speaking the local language. I must admit I didn't expect anyone to come with me, when I posted on MUIL. It's a nice surprise.
Here's a picture of Analis (blonde) and Mariana (brunette) from a party 2 weeks ago:

They'll get there on friday, I'll join them on saturday morning (I can't fly on friday evenings, I work too late :-(). We'll be staying at Kabul hostel. I gotta learn more about Barcelona prior to the departure.
That's about it folks, I'll put my earphones on and indulge in the sweet muzique of Katie Melua. She's georgian, 21 years old and just brilliant. Highly recommended if you like a mixture of jazz and blues.
hopaaa...inteleg acum variatiunile pe tema brazilincelor pe lista...:)
Sinucidere curata!!! Cu 2 tipe latino in Barcelona? Sau nu vad io partea "plina" a paharului?
Distractie faina in Barcelona shi ai grija de tine, esti in minoritate!!
Eh si tu amu ... suntem numa preteni, da? :-)
Dimpotriva, s-ar putea sa mai vina inca doua brazilience, sa ma apere de primele doua :-)) Desi nu cred...
Aia ar fi sinucidere curata, ca ar povesti numa'n portugheza tot timpu'.
Si apropo Carmen, nu te mai tot fofila, cand incepi si tu blogu, ha?
Usually Ciprian is yelling at people "STOP IT! NO [INSERT LANGUAGE HERE]! ENGLISH ONLY!" :-)
Cheers mate, Marco (I'm too lazy to log in!)
MUIL, what's that?
Anonymous, who's that?
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