It's official ... I caught a very annoying cold. Sore throat and the prospect of it aggravating as I'm at work (imagine that!). Procrastination is so much more difficult when you're actually sick (and I mean physically sick not just sick of work) because your natural shit-o-meter is severely deranged. There's only so much shit you can take.
No sickie pulling yet though. Maybe tomorrow. It would be my first sickie at this company, but there's always gotta be a first time for everything, right? They say the first time is the most difficult one. I'll probably quietly enjoy the grimace on my boss' face when I'll tell him I might be off sick tomorrow. My hoarse voice (the result of prolonged suffering, by no means a natural seraphic gift) should do the trick by itself.
Yesterday I went to the gym and afterwards I met Marco and we went for a sheek kebab in Tooting and then a drink. He's a nice chap, by far the funniest german I've met. And one of my most reliable friends. You can read his blog by following the link on the right hand side.
There you can read about how he grew up in a mountainous village in Argentina where his father was enjoying the benefits of a low profile. :-) (I'm kidding)
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