da vinci babble
I managed to see the Da Vinci Code on wednesday. Having read the book before, the film didn't come as a surprise at all ... it's more or less exactly like the book. So it wasn't a film to be surprised by. Instead I could focus on the act. I must say the disappointment came from Audrey Tautou, a very good actress otherwise, her roles in Amelie, Les Poupees russes and The Dirty Little Things were good or very good. One of the explanation I could find ... she wasn't very comfortable with her English role and that affected the whole performance. Or maybe she was nervous acting next to Tom Hanks? Anyway, Tom Hanks performance was mediocre at best. So nothing much to say there. The best actors were Ian McKellen as Teabing and Paul Bettany as Silas, the albino.
I also don't like that much films shot in the dark (no pun intended) ... where everything is so dark. Harry Potter was like that too. Yucky!
What else? Ah well, tomorrow I'm flying to Dublin for the long bank holiday weekend. Let's hope the weather is not as shit as in the last week (with the exception of yesterday afternoon).