some pics from Barcelona
(From left to right, ladies first :P) Me, Mariana, Analis and Chris, heads on the table

Me and Mariana, at a table in Placa Reial ... highly recommended place
Me, trying out my artistic skills ... in vain I should say
This is a nice close up, Chris and me zooming in the background
Having dinner at a table in the same Placa Reial, just in front of our hostel ... beautiful place I must say ... the square I mean (the hostel wasn't too bad either, location-wise it was brilliant)
Close up of the girls ... left to right: Christina, Analis, Mariana
The girls on a drinking spree ;-)
Me, eating a spanish traditional dish: Paella I believe it's called
Quite a happy bunch! Looks fun...and you look really happy...and we know why!:)
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