Thursday, April 20, 2006

mounting debt

I got convinced and bought tickets for the Reading Festival for Sunday27th of August. It's a bank holiday. So, in preparation I'm listening to Pearl Jam intensively. I used to listen to their first album Ten, back in the 90s when it was big on Mtv. Ah well, it's been a while...

Tragedy struck yesterday when I checked the matches programme for this year's World Cup. The final is on the 9th of July. I went pale when I realised I will be on a flight from Budapest to London exactly at the time of that match. :~*( I can't believe it. It's a nightmare.
But not if I can do something about it.
I changed the time of flying, so I'm still flying on the 9th, but in the morning, 11 o'clock. So I will be able to see the final in the UK. :-) Hurray!

The price difference was 25.50 pounds, but hey, it happens once in 4 years... so that makes it 6.375 pounds per year. Dividing by 365.25 -> 0.017453798767967145790554414784394 pounds per day. I guess you'd agree with me that we can safely cut some decimals there. So, in the end it's costing me 1p per day over 4 years. Geez, I can't believe it's so expensive. I was expecting something less when I started the calculation. A life of debt awaits me for the next 4 years. Sigh!

But given that I've changed the booking to watch 90 mins of football... let's calculate how much every minute costs. A staggering 0.283p per minute. But if we divide by 60 and ignore decimals from the 3rd onwards ... it's just 0.00p. Not to mention if we have some extra time and/or penalties. So in the end it's nothing really. It was a good decision.


At Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:51:00 pm, Blogger Chris said...

It isn't fair to include Reading Festival in this "mounting debt" topic! :-(


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