images from brussels
The European Comission building, we stayed at a hotel really close to it

Unfortunately the weather was brusselian and we had to admire the view from under a 5 euros umbrella that we had to buy locally.

We had lunch on one of these narrow, cobblestoned streets ... lovelay!! :-)

The Atomium, the pride and landmark of Brussels...

Brussels' got the balls...

From Atomium looking to Little Europe, an open air show with miniature representation of different cities/towns around Europe.

And here it is ... the miniature Big Ben and Parliament, overlooked by the Atomium...

How life would be in the skin of a 6 foot tall grumpy ogre...
But beside everything else, Brussels is a city of chocolate ...
... where chocolate bunnies sing!
O Sole Miooooo....
shame fot the bad weather, but those cafes look very cozy!:)
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